Some things you need to consider when
selecting your cattle |
While the genetics of today's cattle allow
al breeds to be utilized in grass fed
programs, there are several factors in
choosing which breeds you will raise on your
pasture |
Recognize that most of your customers
will not want to buy the equivalent of a
1400 pound market animal. |
While buyers of cattle out of the commercial
feedlots want these larger animals those who
are filling their freezer expect a steer or
heifer to weigh around 1000 pounds. So you
must consider which breeds will finish the
quickest and at these lighter weights on
grass. |
How are you going to sell you cattle? |
Are you going to sell an animal to one
customer or to multiple customers. Most say
that if the steer of heifer is going to be
split between four customers they can sell a
larger carcass than if it is is going to one
to two buyers.
If your steers and heifers are going to
slaughtered and labeled to be sold as retail
cuts you can utilize the larger carcasses.
Know your cattle |
Most old time feeders still believe Angus
(red & black), Hereford and Shorthorn are
still the breeds of choice for grass based
feeding programs.